dipuji dalam perutusan bahasa Inggris
- dalam: bladder; came in; deep; in; inside; on; profound;
- perutusan: relegating; commission; delegating; message;
- perutusan: relegating; commission; delegating; message; mission; missive; delegation; letter; deputation; relegation; delegacy
- sistem perutusan: delegacy
- dapat dipuji: commendable; creditable; assignable
- harus dipuji: admirable
- layak dipuji: meritorious; praiseworthy
- pantas dipuji: laudable
- patut dipuji: praiseworthy; commendable; laudable; applaudable; plausible; creditable; admirable; salubrious; plausive
- protokol capaian perutusan internet: internet message access protocol
- perutusan tetap untuk perserikatan bangsa-bangsa: permanent representative to the united nations
- dalam: bladder; came in; deep; in; inside; on; profound; within; depth; indoor; abyssal; abysmal; center; late; full; inner; in process of; busy doing; abstruse; half-way point; between; recondite; indoors
- menarik nafas dalam-dalam: took a deep breath
- mengisap dalam-dalam: drank in; drinking in; drunk in
- menyakiti dalam-dalam melukai: touch to the quick; touched to the quick; touching to the quick